Remarkable Lesson of Elderly Visit


A sunny and blossomed day on 7th May was destined to be a remarkable lesson of ZKers.

ZKers advocate the spirit of “given back to where taken from”. The Indian branch colleagues made the motto into practical and initiated a visit to the Chennai nursing home, called “Little Sisters of the Poor Home for Aged”, to express warmth and care to the unprivileged elders.

The elders were resting and chatting in the big hall after their breakfasts when the colleagues arrived. Then, the colleagues started distributing some rice and fruits to break the ice. The action was feasible since the residents were willing to share their minds.

An 80-years-old man who has been staying for 20 years began to tell stories… He was a worker of a toothpaste manufacturing factory in Pune to earn a living. He retrospected the good old days and asked if the colleagues have ever visited there, trying to introduce some sightseeing. Unfortunately, due to health problems, he cannot walk and open his eyes now.

Despite his disability, he was eager to talk and express a sense of friendliness by holding colleagues’ hands tightly. Everyone was touched by this move. His enthusiasm towards life has inspired ZKers to continue the transmission of positive energy. We would do our best to help the disadvantaged people, so as what we have contributed to the refinement and development of the biometric security industry. Moreover, we would extend our belief to the distributors and partners.

“Little Sisters of the Poor Home for Aged” was founded in 1839 by a Roman Catholic lady, Saint Jeanne Jugan. Together with a diverse network of collaborators, the charity serves the elderly poor in over 30 countries around the world.